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Finding a Work-Life Balance

Finding a work-life balance: Words by Lauralee Kleinhans of Redi-Rooter Plumbing

Lauralee is supporter of The Creative Center and a former board member of The Creative Center Foundation.

How do you strike that work-life balance?

In this post Lauralee shares her approach to finding such a balance:

Photo Credit: Steve R. Fujimoto “Keeping a balance between home /work etc is a very hard thing to do. Daily I personally have a “list” of things things that have to be done and I literally line through each item as I get them done.

I hope that daily I can get through that list. But most days I must move at least a couple of items. To the next day. An example you asked me to write this for you at least 3 weeks ago I kept moving it because it wasn’t a priority. Now as I type it I laugh because it maybe I got it to you too late! Balance is difficult but some days are harder than others.

I try to daily take time to look at my day and plan out as best as possible, but things happen so much differently than planned. I am truly the sandwich generation and there are my parents and my grandchildren that are always mixed into any given day! I try to always look for the good in a day, in life in general even on the toughest days to get thru my list there are always so many blessings and joys that at the end of the day I look at my list with a smile and think “tomorrow I’ll start again and be thankful for the time that God gave me today”.

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